The semi-autonomy house


The semi-autonomy houses arise are built from the need to guide women with or without children and minors towards their complete independence once they’ve left the shelter house or another first-level accommodation facility.
These structures, therefore represent an intermediate residential service between the shelter house and the autonomous domicile.


Since the end of 2020, Telefono Rosa has been managing the “Albergotti” semi-autonomy house in the XIII Municipality and will soon run a second one in the VII Municipality.
The Association guarantees women guests and their children and minors a level II hospitality, providing support and accompaniment services, aimed at the gradual reintegration of the woman into the social and working environment, in order to allow them to achieve full autonomy.
All this takes place through a personalized plan, agreed upon both with the shelter home of origin and with the reference social service.
Before a woman joins the semi-autonomy house Telefono Rosa will make sure that she’s not in immediate danger due to violence, and has not yet reached full autonomy, due to psychological, cultural, educational, legal, and economic reasons. The guests of the semi-autonomy house have sufficient self-management skills such as not to to not require the presence of operators on a continuous basis and have a minimum of economic capacity, sufficient to participate in the costs of food or general management of the house: ordinary condominium charges, personal expenses or expenses for any children and minors.
Women can count on the support of the operators, present in the office during the day, and even at night, thanks to the guaranteed availability for urgent communications.


The life experience inside the house includes a minimum stay of 6 months, up to a maximum of 18 months from the date of admission to the home. Any extensions will be granted, prior to the authorization of the Equal Opportunities Service of Roma Capitale, if the home team verifies and documents cases of exceptional gravity.


Sharing spaces with other women promotes self-help among guests, but also the ability to create solid and fruitful friendships, which can then be a strength for their future.